I've just finished this excellent book. Beautiful in God's Eyes by Elizabeth George.
I highly recommend it! This study of the 'Proverbs 31' woman is challenging, practical and Inspiring. I actually felt 'I can do this'. The 'proverbs 31 woman' become real, not some unrealistic picture of a perfect woman. She became someone you could make your mentor.
I will definately be reading this one again!
Blurb: "Beauty is more than skin deep - it starts in the hear and works outward.
Exploring the timesless wisdom of Proverbs 31, Bible teacher Elizaveth George reveals how you can become a woman of true beauty - a woman who desires to honor God in all that she says and does. Beaugiful in God's Eyes helps you make each day immensely meaningful as you delight in God and discover how to...
• experience intant progress toward personal goals
• manage daily life more effectively
• tap into unlimited energy
• apply biblical principles to enhance relationships
• move from the ordinary to the extraordinary.
You can experience a richer, more exciting sprititual walk as you embrace God's design for true beauty in your life."
1 comment:
'A little overwhelmed, yet very resolved' to become more like the 'Proverbs 31' woman is how I felt as I finished the book 'Beautiful in God's Eyes', this morning.
Studying this amazing yet very real woman has also challenged and inspired me to become more like Christ, more so than any study, for a very long time. In fact thoughts of this woman's many virtues have accompanied me night (!) and day since the very first page.
At some points I did become discouraged, thinking, 'how on earth can I do this and that'. I'm not a crafty person that can weave quilts like so many of many friends and I tend to shy away from anything to do with finance. But as a wise and dear friend reminded me, it's all about our attitude. It's wanting to be more like Christ and wanting to love Him more and more - and in doing so, our works will be blessed and will honor our families and the Lord.
Now I'm going back over the book with pen and paper in hand to plan and schedule ...and get to work!
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